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Friday, August 24, 2012

Growing boy...

Palmer was 9 months old on August 18th...still can't believe he's so big!

Birth weight: 7lb. 12oz.
Today: 17lb. 1oz.
Birth length: 20 in.
Today: 28 in.

  • Reading...mommy reads to me every day. I like to help turn the pages and sometimes I "read" on my own! You can see how much I love books in two of the pictures above.
  • I still love to talk but now mommy & daddy say it sounds more like a baby pterodactyl screeching. I do talk sweetly but usually only in the mornings.
  • Power cords! Seriously, I just can't help myself. They're so fun to pull on and wave around in the air.
  • My's been so fun to have them back in Texas! I like to snuggle with Caroline and laugh with Lincoln. I'm still a little unsure about Roman especially since he tried to ride me like a horsey! 
  • Food...I eat A LOT and I enjoy it! So far, I've had oatmeal, brown rice cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, avocado, apples, peaches, pears, bananas, and mashed potatoes. My favorites are sweet potatoes, peas, pears and bananas.
  • Bath time...I love to splash, splash, splash!
  • MY PACI!!  If I knew how I would write a love sonnet about my paci. I can stare at it for hours and it never loses its wonder. Whenever I need a little soothing it's right there to comfort me.
  • Sleep...still don't like it. Just when momma thinks she's got  my naps figured out, I throw her for a loop and change things up a little. In fact, right now I should be sleeping but instead I'm writing this post.
  • Teething! My first four teeth weren't so bad but right now I'm getting four all at once and they're proving to be a little more painful!My gums are so swollen and red...I have to be chewing on something to make me happy.
New Skills:
  •'s not quite a crawl but it gets me where I want to go. I get up on my hands and knees and rock, rock, rock then I dive forward. Sometimes I use my hands to pull me forward too. I move pretty quickly and momma has to keep her eyes on me all the time now.
  • Sitting up...but only when I want to.
  • Eating takes me awhile but I can get them from my hand into my mouth. It takes a lot of concentration though.


  1. Cousin Joshua likes the video of Palmer taking a bath. He says, "Funny Palmer!" =)

  2. thank you for sharing with us! He is growing up too fast! :( Wish we were closer!
